"One day I was sitting in one of the smoke-filled rooms in the Tobacco Institute -- they all smoked -- and thinking, 'My God, maybe we're on the wrong side of this issue, because I can hardly breathe.'"
Victor L. Crawford, trial lawyer for the tobacco industry
MASCOT, directed by Scott Goold, was founded in 1995 with the stated mission to empower minority and youth populations to live healthy, non-abusive lifestyles. Each day the tobacco industry addicts 3,000 new "customers." Over 80 percent of these victims are teens and children -- those too innocent to comprehend the power of nicotine addiction.
For decades the tobacco industry lied about the cancer-causing and disease-inducing nature of smoking and oral tobacco. They deceived the entire world about the intensely addictive nature of nicotine. The tobacco industry not only surpressed their own findings, but willfully discredited the results of scientists and medical professionals who discovered the health hazards from smoking and powerful addictive properties of nicotine.
For decades the tobacco industry lied about the cancer-causing and disease-inducing nature of smoking and oral tobacco. They deceived the entire world about the intensely addictive nature of nicotine. The tobacco industry not only surpressed their own findings, but willfully discredited the results of scientists and medical professionals who discovered the health hazards from smoking and powerful addictive properties of nicotine.
Effective Ways to Quit SmokingMASCOT Member Exposes Tobacco Corruption in NM
Toll of Tobacco in New Mexico
Movie Review: Training Day featuring Oscar winner, Denzel Washington
A Company with "More Money than God"
MASCOT Members Urge Teen Tobacco Possession Law
Cigarette Users Are Smokin' Crack
Hollywood Stars Encourage Youngsters to Smoke
Landmark School-Based Smoking Prevention Program Fails
California Anti-Smoking Program Saves an Estimated 30,000 Lives
TIM: Continued Tobacco Industry Conspiracy
50 Reasons to Quit Smoking -- Why One Shouldn't Start
New Mexico Survey Gauges Risky Behavior
Peer Pressure Leads to Smoking & Drinking
Study: 82% of Smokers Want to Quit
Why People Smoke

Have You Met Carrie and her "Pink Collar Blues?" [114k PDF]MASCOT Fights for SmokeFree Air. Join the Effort
Smokefree Restaurant Laws Good for Business
MASCOT Reviews El Paso's Clean Indoor Air Ordinance
Special Report: Smoke Free Bars Improve Bartenders' Health
Philip Morris on Dangers of Secondhand Smoke (2.6M PDF)
Perception Secondhand Smoke Is Dangerous to Others Deters Teen Smoking
Policies to Reduce Exposure to ETS
Mesilla Makes Restaurants 100% smokefree!
Carlsbad Passes Smokefree Air Ordinance
Carlsbad Votes on Public Smoking Ban
RescueSCG is arrogant and unprofessionalSanta Fe Passes Tobacco Product Placement Ordinance
Smoking Prevention and Control Strategies for Youth
Youth Smoking Statistics Released
State Senator Attacks Cheap Cigarettes
Tobacco Billboard Advertising Ends... MASCOT responds
MASCOT Coordinates Local Kick Butts Day Activities
NonCompliance with Tobacco Sales Laws Significant Problem In Albuquerque
Tobacco Product Placement Legislation
SMOKING ISN'T SEXY: Malboro Man is a dud ...in bed
Albuquerque Passes Tobacco Products Ordinance
Retailers Still Selling Tobacco to Youth in Albuquerque
STAMP Achieves Comprehensive Youth Access Ordinance Regulations