Pro-active leaders in Missouri just introduced similar legislation. House members there are questioning the
logic of the state's law prohibiting minors from buying tobacco products but allowing them to smoke.
"Right now, literally, if police officers walked into a restaurant and saw kids smoking cigarettes,
they can't stop them. That's crazy," said state Rep. Tom Hoppe, D-Kansas City.
What Teens Really Say About Possession Laws
Why Teens Start Smoking
Ohio Law Bans Teen Smoking, Includes $100 Fine
Utah Opens New front in War Against Teen Smoking
Alabama Cracks Down on Teen Smoking
No Teen Wheels on Tobacco Road
Plymouth (MA) Student Smokers Face $100 Fine
The Strategy Behind Florida's "truth" Campaign
Rodella's proposed legislation for New Mexico states:
A. A minor shall not be in possession of tobacco products.
B. A violation of the provisions of Subsection A of this section is a misdemeanor and
the offender shall be punished as follows:
- (1) for a first violation, the offender shall be:
- (a) fined an amount not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000); and
- (b) ordered by the sentencing court to perform thirty hours of community service with a tobacco cessation and prevention program;
- (2) for a second violation, the offender shall:
- (a) be fined an amount not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000);
- (b) be ordered by the sentencing court to perform forty hours of community
service with a tobacco cessation and prevention program; and
- (c) have his driver's license suspended for a period of ninety days. If the minor
is too young to possess a driver's license at the time of the violation, then ninety days
shall be added to the date he would otherwise become eligible to obtain a driver's license; and
- (3) for a third or subsequent violation, the offender shall:
- (a) be fined an amount not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000);
- (b) be ordered by the sentencing court to perform sixty hours of community service
with a tobacco cessation and prevention program; and
- (c) have his driver's license suspended for a period of two years or until the offender
reaches twenty-one years of age, whichever period of time is greater.
Download PDF format of bill here

MASCOT provides a summary of available research and related articles on this subject. We uncovered only one
scientific-based study that had examined the effectiveness of teen possession laws. In "Teen Tobacco Court," researchers
Langer and Warheit found significant reductions in teen smoking behavior after Florida instituted youth
possession laws. MASCOT also highlights a general
guideline paper from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids as well as additional background information in the section below.
Teen Tobacco Court: A Determination of the Short-term Outcomes of Judicial
Proceses with Teens engaging in Tobacco Possession - Adolescent & Family
Lilly M. Langer and George J. Warheit
Adolescent & Family Health, 2000
Vol. 1, No. 1, p.5-10, January 2001
Recent efforts to reduce tobacco use among minors have included the
introduction and/or refinement of laws which make the purchase, possession,
and/or use of tobacco illegal. The objective of this study was to determine
the impact that being cited for tobacco possession and a subsequent court
appearance had on tobacco attitudes and behaviors among a sample of teens
attending a teen tobacco court (TTC) in South Florida.
Two waves of data were obtained during the first several months of 1999. The
time one (T-1) sample included 402 teen offenders who completed
questionnaires at the time of their TTC appearance. The time two (T-2)
follow-up sample included 210 individuals who were interviewed at T-1. The
T-2 interviews were conducted by telephone approximately two months after
the T-1 interviews.
At T-1, 28.4% of the sample indicated that they used less tobacco than they
did prior to their citation and 15.5% reported that they had not used
tobacco since being cited. Significantly larger percentages of younger
smokers reported less use and no use after the citation than the older
teens. At T-2, 29.3% of the sample reported less tobacco use following TTC
than prior to it; and 27.8% indicated that they had not used tobacco since.
There were no significant differences in the T-2 tobacco use patterns among
gender, ethnic, age and educational groups.
Findings indicated that being ticketed and appearing in TTC had significant
short-term impacts on a very large percentage of those in the two samples.
Additional follow-up studies need to be conducted to determine if the
changes following citation and court processes persisted. Follow-up studies
should also explore how factors other than the citation or court appearances
influenced tobacco use.
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) presents a summary of the issues.
(Download PDF format of their publication here).
MASCOT provides an analysis of Rep. Rodella's proposed legislation for New Mexico using the points
addressed in the CTFK template.
Point 1: Youth penalty laws are substitutes for more effective
control strategies, i.e., increasing price, restricting marketing,
implementing new programs or counter-advertising.
New Mexico's legislature has resisted efforts to increase the price on tobacco. Advocates have tried
for years to get additional excise tax increases; due to the Master Settlement Agreement,
it is difficult to further restrict marketing; the state has implemented new
anti-tobacco messaging, but this is a long-term
Point 2: Establishing youth penalties can divert the police
from their efforts to stop retailers.
New Mexico police do not engage in compliance checks. In the past, tobacco control groups
did under an FDA program. This is halted at this time.
Point 3: Laws that penalize children for possession that are not
strictly enforced can breed disrespect for the law by young people.
MASCOT agrees. Give us the law and we'll work to ensure proper attention
is given to enforcement.
Point 4: In many cases, state legislation preempts stronger or more effective legislation that
make come later.
This is not applicable to Rodella's proposed legislation -- it is not preemptive.
Point 5: Youth penalty laws can sometimes make it difficult to run
"sting" campaigns as kids can no longer participate.
Excellent point, MASCOT will work to ensure Rodella's legislation specifies youth can
continue to participate in sting operations.
We ask all concerned citizens to support Representative Rodella's proposal. Send a
consistent message. Tobacco and youth do not mix... Please take a moment to send an e-letter
to show your support.