Armed with knowledge such as this, Roosevelt Smoke Free Falcons are going
out into the community and educating their peers about the dangers of tobacco
use, and how the deadly agent is being promoted to people their age.
How do the youth speakers motivate their peer audiences? With the use
of live ambassadors such as "Lakota" Talking Talons non-releasable
Peregrine Falcon or "Smokey" an American Kestrel who suffered
lung damage herself from an accident years ago.
Further evidence that tobacco use is an environmental issue is described
by Bequi Livingston, Wild Land Fire Manager with the Sandia Ranger Station.
The US Forest Service estimates that 35% of wild-land fires are caused
by improperly disposed of smoking materials.
Students are learning that cigarette smoking kills more people than all
other forms of fatality, but Ms. Livingston is scheduled to speak at Roosevelt
where "Kick Butts Day" activities will be occurring on April 14.
Also participating will be students from Navajo Pine High School traveling
to Tijeras from Gallup, New Mexico, the Mayor of Tijeras, Honorable Juan
R. Griego, and the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department.
Smoke Free Falcons at Roosevelt have also been assessing advertising
strategies of Tobacco vendors in Tijeras, Cedar Crest, Sedillo, and Edgewood,
and creating counter advertisements for their school.