In Their Own Words: Tobacco Industry Quotes On Nicotine



see also, Their Own Words: Tobacco Industry Quotes on Marketing To Kids

Internal tobacco industry documents show that the tobacco companies manipulate the nicotine level in their products to addict their customers, including children. The following quotes also show that the industry intends tobacco products to "affect the structure or any function of the body" - the criteria for FDA jurisdiction.
"In a sense, the tobacco industry may be thought of as being specialized, highly ritualized, and stylized segment of the pharmaceutical industry. Tobacco products uniquely contain and deliver nicotine, a potential drug with a variety of physiological effects."
Memo written by RJR executive Claude Teague, Jr., "RJR Confidential Research Planning Memorandum on the Nature of Nicotine and the Crucial Role of Nicotine Therein," also quoted in the New York Times, July 26, 1995.
"We wonder whether such children [who display hyperkinetic behavior] may not eventually become cigarette smokers in their teenage years as they discover the advantage of self-stimulation via nicotine. We have already collaborated with a local school system in identifying some such children in the third grade."
June 10, 1974 memo from Phillip Morris researcher William Dunn reporting on a company-sponsored study.
"We recognize that nicotine plays an important role in smoking behavior for many people."
RJR researchers J. Robinson and W. Pritchard, "The Role of Nicotine in Tobacco Use," Psychopharmacology, Vol. 108, 1992.
"Without nicotine... there would be no smoking... "
Phillip Morris researcher William Dunn, "Motives and Incentives in Cigarette Smoking," Summary from Center for Tobacco Research Conference, 1972.
"If nicotine is the "sine qua non" of tobacco products, and tobacco produces are recognized as being the attractive dosage forms of nicotine, then it is logical to design our product -- and where possible our advertising -- around nicotine delivery rather than around tar delivery or flavor."
Memo from RJR executive, Claude Teague, Jr., "RJR Confidential Research Planning Memorandum on the Nature of Nicotine and the Crucial Role of Nicotine Therein," also quoted in New York Times, July 26, 1995.
"Smoking is a habit of addiction."
Sir Charles Ellis, BATCO science advisor, 1962 BATCO research and development conference.



 [source: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, phone: 202.296.5469]